There are six items for selection or input. One can retrieve the needed spectra data by specifying
all of or at least one of the four items: element,isoelectronic sequence,range
of wavelength and optical electron. If no selection is made for each item (e.g. element), all data (e.g. of all elements) will be retrieved.
Example: if to select all spectra data of H-like He in the range of wavelength 4444-5555(Å), please
1. input or select the ¡°He¡± for the element item.
2. input or select the ¡°H¡± for the isoelectronic sequence item.
3. input from ¡°4444¡± to ¡°5555¡± Å for the
wavelength item.
4. select one of or all of data types: EXP (experimental data), THR (theoretical data), COMP (compiled data), SEMP
(semi-empirical data).
5. choose the display order by element, isoelectronic sequence (I.S.) or wavelength. 6. choose the display style: in brief or in detail.
retrieve data
from the data list directly.