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Atomic Spectra

Ionization Potential

Energy Level

Collisional Processes

Quantum Defect


Photon ionization


Opacity for mixture


Please input the following information
T = (keV)        ρ = (g/cm3)

0.004keV ≤ T ≤ 40keV        10-4g/cm3 ρ 104g/cm3

Index Element Number of ion
Element 1.
Mixture with other elements:
Element 2.
Element 3.
Element 4.
Element 5.
Element 6.

It may last a few minutes, and wait a moment.

1) Input the temperature in the range 4eV to 40keV;
2) Input the density in the range of 10-4g/cm3 to 104g/cm3;
3) Input chemical element and its number of ion. For example for  H2O you may input H and O in the column "Element" and input 2 and 1 in the column "Number of ion". If you input only one element, its "Number of ion" is useless and the result for single element with specified temperature and density can be obtained. If there are more than 6 kinds of chemical element for the mixture, please click "More Element" to input more information necessary;
4) Clicking "Retrieve" gives the data of the mean and frequency-dependent opacity under the corresponding condition.

Example: If you want to search for the data of opacity for mixture Fe3O2 under the temperature 40 eV and density 5g/cm3,
you can do as following
1. Input the temperature "0.04";
2. Input the density "5";
3. Input first chemical element "Fe" and its number of ion "3";
4. Input the second chemical element "O" and its number of ion "2" in the next line;
5. Clicking "Retrieve", you can get the data of opacity under the above condition.



Introduction The database gives the opacity for mixture with specified temperature and density. Here the mixing of at most 6 kinds of elements is permitted and the results are produced by interpolation basing on the data for single element. The values for input of temperature T and density ρ can only be in the range between 4eV to 40keV for T and 10-4g/cm3 to 104g/cm3 for ρ. All the opacity is in unit of cm2/g. In the display of the results  it is listed the frequency-dependant opacities for 1000 different photon energy which is uniformly distributed in the range between 0.1T and 20.1T. Usually the interpolation needs a few minutes and a moment of waiting is necessary. Only advanced user, who need registration, can search for the data with Z>=31.